Pinch and Spread: The Battle Over Multitouch Tech Is On.

The Pre, Palm’s ridiculously slick new mobile phone, stole the show at CES this year. Good looks helped, but mainly it was the Pre’s iPhone-like touchscreen technology that wowed the industry crowd. Sure, the Pre has a built-in keyboard, but all anyone wanted to do was drag their fingers along the screen and make magic happen: pop windows open, scroll through sites, fling the contact list to the bottom of the display. The gestures were intuitive, fun, and basically copies of Apple’s.

Two weeks later, Apple COO Tim Cook expressed his irritation (without directly naming Palm) to analysts on a conference call: “We will not stand for having our IP ripped off, and we’ll use whatever weapons we have at our disposal. I don’t know that I can be clearer than that.”

Them there are fighting words. Suddenly, Apple and other tech companies are preparing to slug it out over gestures that humans have been making since we developed opposable digits. Patents and patent applications by Apple, Nokia, Hewlett-Packard, and others describe moves in language you might hear at a thumb-wrestling match: the pinch, the de-pinch, the flick, the perpendicular-moving breach (aka the check mark). Gesture-based computing is about to go mainstream, and the battle to define how we navigate the digital world has begun. It’s going to be ugly—and potentially fatal to the movement.

Since the birth of the PC, companies sought a way to ditch the keyboard, a Moore’s-law-ignoring, design-constraining anachronism tethered to increasingly powerful machines. But early attempts at touch were buggy and clumsy (forcing users to, say, learn Palm’s Graffiti handwriting language or cope with input-challenged tablet PCs). So we stuck with keyboards and mice, control-X’ing, control-S’ing, and double-clicking away. Then came the Wii and the iPhone, and suddenly the gesture era was upon us.

Now that sensors are getting cheaper, touch and movement control are everywhere. Everyone has a killer gesture. The just-debuted Touch Pro2 mobile by HTC, for example, turns on its speaker when you flip the phone over and lay it down. Nokia is devising ways to trip functions simply by waving your hand in front of the screen. Although only 5 percent of phones have touchscreens today, that should increase to nearly 30 percent by 2013, according to research firm StrategyAnalytics.

In the PC market, where the search for growth is desperate, gesture-based computing is seen as a savior. HP considers it an entrée to the third world, where many languages don’t map well to a standard keyboard. The company’s India team recently finished a seven-city tour in which engineers, hoping to learn what to incorporate into devices, did nothing but watch how locals touch and gesture to one another. And Microsoft is making multitouch a vital part of Windows 7. Its researchers learned that when people deal with devices tactilely, they tend to anthropomorphize them—and that means more time spent on Microsoft products. “In a usability test, we noticed that folks were lingering,” says Ian LeGrow, Microsoft’s top Windows user-interface manager. “They wanted to keep interacting with the PCs after the tests were done.”


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